SEGMENT 3: MULTIPLY (18 minutes)
MULTIPLY is the 3rd Act of GENESIS. It’s title is derived from the 28th line of the 1st chapter of Genesis in the Torah, which states, “And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the sky and over all the beasts that tread upon the earth.“
Using the world’s most advanced entertainment technology, sound, lighting, and venues ever invented by man, COSMIC SHABBAT STUDIOS, presents GENESIS MULTIPLY, to depict exactly what happened during the 1656 years between Creation and the Flood, and how the blessing to multiply led to the Flood (4th Act of GENESIS). You do not have to be a Torah scholar to understand what happened. It’s a very simple and logical progression of events.
You do not have to even believe in G-d to understand that previous generations were made of stronger stuff than later generations. Anyone who has ever planted a tree or bred animals sees this clearly. The fruit of a grafted tree do not produce trees as abundant, fruit as sweet, or seeds as hearty as its parent. All life follows the same pattern. In humans, your grandparents’ grandparents did not have climate control, refrigerated food, a local drug store, or the ability to travel and communicate over distances. Yet they lived as long, or even longer, than we live today. They could lift more, withstand greater temperature variation, and go longer without food or water. They were made of heartier material than we are. Pondering this truthful model of all life, the logical conclusion is that there was a starting point.
Think for a moment what the Earth was like after Creation. G-d had just completed the design and engineering of all Creation from the farthest galaxy to every living thing on Earth. All life were the first of their kind, and therefore contained their greatest strength. They lived in the most virgin and nutrient rich biosphere of soil, water, and air. Trees could grow hundreds of feet tall in days. Flowers and fruit trees could sprout and grow overnight. The smell of freshness must have been extraordinary!
The first man, “Adam”, comes from the Hebrew word “adamah” meaning “ground or earth.” Every element of man comes from the ground. When you get bloodwork done at the hospital, they’re measuring the nutrients – all of which are found in the ground. Just like humans, all life sprout from the earth – fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and animals. There does not exist one living creature containing elements separate from what is found in the sea or soil. The first generation of anything contains the DNA of every future generation. Darwin’s notion of adaptation and variation is absolutely true, but is only necessary because future generations need to survive based on made of weaker stuff.
The freshness of virgin Earth infused with G-d’s blessing to “multiply” empowered living things to produce abundant offspring.
MULTIPLY depicts the greatest period fertility in history. It’s music, imagery, and behavior of all living things is erotic and sexy, powerful and aggressive, creative and magical – appropriate for audiences of any age or religious observance. For the first time ever, we show the mathematics of population growth and expansion so it can be understood how two became millions in just over a thousand years.
It begins with the birth of the 2nd generation of the first humans, animals, plants, fish, birds, reptiles … expansion, growth, building shelters, competition for attracting mates.
Degradation of society … Ingenuity, invention, craftsmanship, character qualities, physical strength, ability to provide, closeness to G-d, intelligence, … overwhelming desire to mate made people jealous, greedy, impatient … turned to theft, deception, idolatry, murder … tribalism … pacts … entire cities from one family … breakdown of family due to competitiveness within brothers and sisters … women were also competitive … beauty, household, preparation of food … sexuality …
Preceding the awe-inspiring, heart-wrenching, mind-stimulating film, the GENESIS book provides the sources for this revealing new understanding of our history. Each scientific theory is examined and compared to this new complete understanding.
Population Growth - Cosmic Shabbat Studios
Starting Population | # of Offsprings Per Birth | Elapsed Time | Time Unit |
Factor | Value | Unit |
Beginning Age To Reproduce | ||
Ending Age to Reproduce | ||
Period of Pregnancy | ||
Period Until New Pregnancy | ||
Lifespan |